"Hydra 2.0" and Other Changes (passed - Done)

I lost you in the translation.

I never said that I would impose a site that the Community doesn’t wish to have as official.

I never worked for this without asking the Community for feedback. I even took in mind old members’ ideas like Anthony’s who had said that the btcz would be nice to be concentrated for the first steps of newcomers marketing-wise. So I ended up with cryptospedia idea.

In reality I gave many screenshots and checked many reactions over the last half year and I asked for feedback giving passphrases and invitations to many people during the last 4-5 months.
but only @Monobody Monobody found some time to write down specific suggestions.

He could possibly verify to you that I worked for every single suggestion by him.

Btw the site is not yellow coloured. It is blue+orange with dark intro page.

Anyway, everyone is free to express his mind but sending no feedback for months (because you were among the ones who could enter it ) and now finding my work for the new site horrible, magically exactly after I expressed my disagreement with important part of your proposal, is something that should really make people wondering about your way of thinking.

It is really a pity.
Not for the site. Of course the site is not going to be the ideal for everyone and I can work on suggestions. I don’t have any demand to be accepted as perfect by all, this would be insane.

It is a pity for your way of reaction and your dual behaviour.

I really cannot understand how you started with the best words about me and Monobody in your proposal but after we expressed our minds , you ended up saying that we are dogs, dictators, and other funny things and that the site I am working on, is awful.

Ok ! We got it!

I never fear to express my mind and I am always honest though.


I promise not to answer you but to read what you write. I swear I can’t. then when I read things like: “Anyway, everyone is free to express his mind but sending no feedback for months (because you were among the ones who could enter it )”

  • I’m really speechless. can i enter? …if I can do something for this community and for the project I would have done it." just like how to apply yourself as a manager. everything in your head, and then nobody knows anything . I found out about your site during the online meeting, and I remember yellow/orange parts.

about how to speak. you started. passing the proposal in a super negative way by leveraging the amount. and we had thought together of monobody that 1 million a month x manager sounded good. after your avalanche of words without trying to have a conversation. wanted to even change the vote. so let’s say he just followed you… you used words like “Shameful” “unworthy” “crazy digits” and a series of low shots in the discussion. and in the end I reacted to your taunts.

I had also written if please (in a very friendly way “vandar you’re sorry to talk about it on the forum because I can’t answer and it’s not nice that you attack me without me having to say mine”) so that I could answer… and you continued on discord.

you ignored me by continuing to write an avalanche of things with a very negative tone towards me… you didn’t do it constructively. You did it to destroy.

so I also took a critical tone towards you and pointed out… your mistakes.
I didn’t even want to tell you the site thing, but I’m a man too, if you attack me, at the end I react.

if you were telling me, hey fox, I read the proposal. I think it’s too much money and there’s danger. I would have answered you… look we thought with monobody that managers will almost certainly be the same. the community is very small yet and we thought it could be a turbo to get out of a stagnant situation and if you had told me yours. I would have listened. but sticking to discord in front of everyone without I could answer… after I told you. let’s go on the forum, at least I could even translate. was not comrade.

said that. can we finish it?

Sorry that I am interfering but I was online in Discord when your conversation of @Monobody @Vandar and @ Greyfox took place. From what I watched both there and here , I didn’t see them speaking like you did Greyfox.

Nowhere I can see Vandar or Monobody or anyone else insulting you. When some people are disagreeing and explaining it with your medium proposed sum as a paradigm, with numbers and everything, it is not a reason to take the shovel and start throwing mud over them.

This is not how a Community spirit is working. I see that you tried to immediately accuse those that don’t agree with your proposal for things that you, and only you, have concluded for!
You said they were trying to build a dictatorship and that the rules were to choose and not to elect a manager but we all see that there was an election approving them with many more voters than the current restructural proposal has.
We have even seen above the rules that are describing clearly that it is an election and not a choice like you claimed.

You could kindly add a few good things like proposing a page in the forum for candidate’s applications instead of trying to confuse the whole Community.
If your writing in English doesn’t help you, you can ask someone else to help you with an idea instead of writing something that can cause such chaos.

After all I believe that this proposal could be just a one page suggestion in order to have some people working together for the finalization of the constitutional rules, after careful discussion and analytical examination of every element.


I know very well when you arrived, there the tones were very warm already.
when you arrived, at first you didn’t even realize that we were talking about VaultZ, and I laughed and I ignored you when you said “ah talk about the vaultz, no, you don’t touch the vaultz”. Remember.?

I’m glad you’re interested, and if I didn’t answer you, not because you are new here or because you were against it. it’s because I was already arguing with vandar, monobody, God… pretty much with everyone. every now and then a new one would come.

and when a new person like you (who is inside the community sends me a message as if I need to steal somenthing from the Vaultz) you realize that something is wrong (and even though there are no direct insults the conversation has a polemical tone). were discussing members who have spent 2 years. and even if I’m wrong or say somenthing fool, I expect respect from the other members :slight_smile: because I m someone who has devoted energy and time to this project. and if you have a meeting today and you can meet the other members it’s also thanks to me. if you will have a ledger it’s also thanks to me, if you have a poker website, it’s also thanks to me. if you don’t carry it it is because as I explained the weather was very hot and you just wanted help the other components. It is ok. I don’t condemn you. but it’s like throwing gasoline on the fire, a fire that then got worse.it happens, it’s normal. (I didn’t even mention the choice of managers or the new website in that moment). but it’s normal that the adrenaline goes up if I have to argue that all different people instead of confronting me in a constructive way with another member. that’s what I disputed. I would have listened if they had said “hey fox…” it wasn’t like that. then maybe it’s true I could avoid this discussion on the main page, and maybe write it in private. but everything degenerated quickly and I’m sorry about that…

There were no insultsì. I said that a system that does not allow to run for office is dictatorship, never told to vandar " you are a dictator", and when I was talking, I said if people do not make a personal idea and follow without thinking, they are like dogs. monobody thought I had told him directly to him. “dog” and even chatting them I explained (in the same moment) that I had not told him “dog” but that people who follow others without thinking are dogsbut it was his problem if he felt (yes, the tones were very warm on both sides and it’s normal I started 4 against 1) things degenerate.

Having said that, I answered you because in discord I ignored you in an unpleasant way (i saied like: now that cryptoqueen speak i can go). forgive me but you came at just the wrong time :smiley: sorry for that. I’m sorry for continuing this discussion in the main channel in front of new members like you. if there were divergent I could have solved it in private and I’m sorry even if someone felt offended as a monobody (for the dog) or if people new like new understanded that vandar is a dictator, i didnt say and i dont think this (what i started to say to him that every proposal born whit somenthing not ready, like his hydra where was not possible apply for the manager and where i voted yes, and everything can come better, and if in my proposal the money were the problem need only put less 10m and after we voted 1). and then with the discussion that also caught fire the ways in which things are said catch fire…
you can read the message up, we start to speak quiet… and when Dio say the problem are the money, i respond… ok we will make new votation from 1 to 10 milion. the atmosfere was ok…

phrases that have hurt me are phrases like this that you find above (that’s what I meant):

“I see that you are trying to use the argument “hey we have been at 1 sats now, and we could even go lower with the 0.1 steps in some exchanges” spreading panic in order to push people to make a decision.”

  • the problem of price I’ve always used it even for meetings, is to say guys we do something. I had also written if the fear is that they steal, I put mine for warranty. I did it for the community, it wasn’t to scare the community. we have the worry this from the first meeting in Rome. whoever came is my witness!

what I tried to explain and that I did not find myself in front a friend or a companion, and that hurt me and then I answered bad for phrases like these: (it’s not an insult but having thought such a thing like this to me , this hurt me. phrases so they hurt me, and this change my tone. this hurt me like a brother telling you that you trying to scare Mom, to make what you want, he don’t see a worried brother that try to convince the mom to do somenthing that he think is good for the family. today that I’m quieter, maybe the conversation comes out. when I said to guarantee, I really thinked when i said, I have 0.5 btc and I wanted guarantee, when I said to God, we will make a new vote for the money, I really thinked when i said, it even if it won the highest (always because my proposal was born for the community and not to damage it!). so these things hurt me even though they’re not insults. when you’d be ready to secure with your coins to raise the fears of your community and try some new solution, when you’re in my place, you’ll understand why it hurt me so much. and because then I said bad things too)

but now it has happened, I can’t do anything else, if not pretend not to think about it. The thing is closed for me and I hope everyone are better today. I got out from the community for what hurt me and went out to punish me for my mistakes and to allow everyone to stay in tune, I prefer to step aside than bring to btcz an internal problem or represent an internal problem in the community for the new user like you . I don’t want it to go to 0.000000009 I have too much money invested here. :smiley: i Joke is not only for that . the community needs to stand together. I will not open any more proposals and I will not take part in any more discussions, I think that will be enough. don’t ask me to forget btcz because that’s impossible :slight_smile:
One kiss

I am really sorry, I cannot say that I can fully understand your answer but it is okay because you had said that it is a language issue.

Anyway my advice to everyone is to stay calm and avoid discussing when you feel bad, especially if self control is not your best.

1 Like

tomorrow I get help and I send you the message I wanted to send you today :smiley:

Very good when you arrived, the tones were already very warm. when you first arrived, you didn’t realize that we were talking about VaultZ, and when you said “ah talk about the vaultz, don’t touch the vaultz”. And I described something like, “ah if cryptoqueen also speaks, then I can go, in a bit controversial”. Remember?

I am glad you are interested in the community and what happens here is what happens in an unpleasant way it was not because you are new or because you were against my proposal. it’s because I was already arguing with Vandar, monobody and God … pretty much everyone. occasionally someone wrote something.

When I am arguing with most people in the community and that even new users write without asking me what I was feeling a terrible and understood parts of others as if my intent was to steal a VaultZ, you realize that something is not it goes. although there are no direct insults to me, the conversation had a very controversial tone and I was just talking against multiple people.

We discussed the members who spent 2 years here together and although I am wrong on a silly topic or something, I respect my other side because I am a person who has dedicated energy and time to this project. if you run today and you can meet the other members of the community it is also thanks to me. if you have a wallet it is also thanks to me, if you have a poker site it is also thanks to me.

So yes, I felt attacked by everyone together and also by new ones like you instead of wondering why I thought so they simply said “no, that no!”. as I explained, that conversation was already very heated and so you just wanted to help the other members. It’s ok. I don’t condemn you. but it is like throwing gas on the fire, a fire that has grown bigger. it happens, it’s normal. You’re a new member and it’s certainly not your fault.

What I thought I was treated differently from is a component that has been around since I was there. (Until then I had not mentioned the choice of managers or the new website). but it is normal for adrenaline to sell if I have to deal with more than one user at a time with my language limitations, I am an elderly user and I have to deal more constructively. this is what I contested.

I would have listened if they said “hey Fox …” because I wouldn’t have felt attached. What is true is that we could have avoided this discussion on the main page of the channel, and perhaps had a comparison in private. but everything quickly degenerated and I’m sorry for this …

There were no insults on my part. I said that a system that does not allow you to apply for the position of manager, is dictatorship, never said to vandar directly “you are a dictator”, and when I was talking and I said that if people don’t get a personal idea and he follows without thinking, he is a dog. Monobody felt pulled in the middle, he thought that I had told him directly “dog” and even while the others continued to speak I immediately replied to monobody that I had not said “dog” but that the people who follow without thinking are dogs . Then in a slightly unpleasant way maybe I added that if he felt pulled in the middle I couldn’t do anything about it. But the discussion was already very hot and the tones were now quarreling and not arguing.

Having said that, I replied because when you arrived I ignored you in an unpleasant and superior way. forgive me, but you came at the wrong time, sorry for this.:blush::pray:
I’m sorry to have continued this discussion in the main channel in front of new members like you. if there had been differences and I felt attacked I could have solved it in private with the person concerned, I’m sorry if someone felt offended as a monobody (for the dog) or if new people in the community understood that vandar is a dictator , I did not say this and I do not believe it (what I started to tell him that every proposal was born with some imperfections, like his “hydra” where it was not possible to apply to be a manager, but I voted yes because there support even if there is an imperfection in this community, everything can improve and if in my proposal too much money was the problem, I had already said to God (find above the message): If the problem is too much money, vote yes and we will make a new vote to choose how much to give to the managers. If I am not mistaken I said to “God” we will vote from 1 to 10, sorry if I have given too little importance to this and I have made few choices … even if I have not been insulted there are things that hurt me or asking the community to try it (message to monobody and after replying to God that we would vote). Go up and read my tone, even if the English is not perfect you can see that I was calm and I was just asking to think, you can go to read my tone:
"Please do a try, if it doesn’t work, or some money spent by someone will not bring benefits I put them! I’m sure the managers will want to try so well towards the community that they will work 5 times better. "
"I would continue to support the project and the choice of the community always as I have shown in other votes. but I hope someone understands what I’m trying to say. in the end, trying can only bring us hope and a new energy. "

And to my answers came phrases that hurt me even if inside there was no insult, phrases like this:

“I see that you are trying to use the argument” hey we have been at 1 sats now, and we could even go lower with the 0.1 steps in some exchanges “spreading panic in order to push people to make a decision.”

I sincerely tell you that you are new that you may not know, The problem of the price that has come down has always been a very serious thing for me, it was my motivation for which I thought it was better to get to know us and that a more united group would bring benefit to the currency which was quite a lot that was suffering on the price. It was a concern that we also faced during the Rome meeting, we discussed the fact that if we get out of some exchage it’s a tragedy. is to say: “guys we have to invent something” and for me this is the purpose of meetings.

I also wrote if the fear is that managers steal, I put all the guarantee. 34 million or more and I pledged to deposit them by the first of July this because I think that if we don’t do something out of fear, we risk never doing anything. In my head it is impossible for managers to steal in the next vote, as I said above now the community is still small and the people who are here are moved out of devotion to the project. In my opinion, managers would only be encouraged to impress the community with their work.

This is my idea, right or wrong, I presented it thinking about the community, I thought it believing that it could give a big push to btcz. it was never my intent to scare the community or try to control it. We have always had this concern since the first meeting and whoever came to Rome is a witness to me and will be able to confirm it to you!

What I tried to explain in the previous message is that I didn’t find myself in front of a friend or a partner, this hurt me and I started to have a worse tone for this idea that had been presented to me. It is true that it is not an insult, but I swear to you that only the fact that he could have thought of me like that, really hurt me. From there you can see that my tone has also changed.

I swear to you that it hurt me like a brother telling you that you’re trying to scare mom, to do what you want, instead of seeing a worried brother trying to get mom to do something he thinks might help the family.

now that I am more relaxed I can speak to you with my heart: when I said to guarantee, I really thought of finding a way to buy by July the amount of money that was needed to guarantee all the money given to managers, when I said to “God” we will make a new vote to know how much to give to managers, I really thought that even if the highest figure of this proposal would have won, I myself would have republished a new vote with many more choices this time because my proposal was born to help the community and don’t damage it.!

So when you hear such things they hurt you even if they are not insults. When you think so too and you are willing to put your money there only to raise a fear for you stupid and try some new solution, when you too will be in my place in a couple of years, you will understand why this has hurt me so much, in confronting him I have not found the brother and the companion that I thought I had here. And from there, without rules I shot everything I had, not for the proposal but for the way he described me, for the consideration he had of me. You can then imagine how things degenerate.

but now it has happened, I can’t do anything else, if not pretend not to think about it. The thing is closed for me and I hope everyone is calm in the community today. :blush: I left the community for this, because it hurt me to have been attacked by a brother and also a bit to self punish myself for my mistakes, for offending some components with my own tones and for putting the new ones in a state of instability, making this crisis public and performing in the main channel. :disappointed:

I put myself aside above all to keep everyone in tune in the community, if I step aside it brings benefit to the community I do it … I’m not here to scare her or make her unstable. This is the reason.
And also because I have too much money invested in btcz, I can’t allow myself to go even further. Joke :grin:.

the community needs to be together, united and in tune and if others have a better relationship and do not see themselves as a threat, then they will do a better job working together.
I will not open other proposals and I will no longer take part in the discussions, I think this will be enough. The important here in my opinion is that the group is as homogeneous as possible.

I will always cheer for btcz and wish our project to really find its way. :heart::+1::blush:

I send you a kiss