BitcoinZ Changelly Listing Fundraising Plan:

Temporary Suspension and Clarification of BitcoinZ Changelly Listing Fundraising Plan

Dear BitcoinZ Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to inform you about a temporary suspension of the BitcoinZ Changelly Listing Fundraising Plan proposed in BitcoinZ Changelly Listing Fundraising Plan:. The decision to suspend the proposal is due to non-compliance with association rules, specifically related to the offering of VaultZ funds through public channels.

Upon careful consideration, it has come to my attention that the primary issue lies in the fact that the proposal did not adhere to our community guidelines. It is crucial to uphold the principles of fairness and equal opportunity within our society. In this regard, I have received complaints from individuals expressing their desire to participate in purchasing VaultZ funds after the initial proposal was shared.

To ensure transparency, inclusivity, and to address the concerns raised by our community members, I have decided to suspend the proposal for a period of one week. During this time, we will make efforts to rectify the situation and provide an opportunity for all interested parties to participate in the VaultZ fund purchase.

Here are the key points of the temporary suspension: (edited)
[10:48 AM]
Reason for Suspension: The proposal has been suspended due to non-compliance with association rules, particularly regarding the public offering of VaultZ funds without providing equal opportunities for all community members.

Duration of Suspension: The proposal will be temporarily suspended for one week, starting 20 Feb. This timeframe will allow us to address the concerns and make the necessary adjustments to comply with community guidelines.

Communication Channels: Information regarding the purchase of BTCZ from VaultZ will be communicated through official channels, including but not limited to Telegram and Discord. These channels will serve as the primary means of communication during the suspension period.

Inclusion in the Wish List: Community members interested in participating in the VaultZ fund purchase are encouraged to reach out via Telegram or Discord. Upon expressing interest, individuals will be added to a wish list, ensuring fair and transparent access to the opportunity.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this temporary suspension period. We value each voice within our community and aim to create an environment where every member has an equal opportunity to participate.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Best regards,

BitcoinZ Community

:rocket: Together, We Can Make a Difference in One Week! Fill the BitcoinZ Gap! :rocket:

We aim to list BitcoinZ on, with a total request of $15,000. Currently, we’ve received $3,000 in donations. To bridge the gap, we’ve secured commitments from investors willing to purchase BitcoinZ directly from the BitcoinZ VaultZ.

Investor commitments:

  • TheBarGuys: Commit to buying $5,000 worth of BTCZ from VaultZ.
  • Iheartshrooms: Commit to buying BTCZ for $1,000.
  • PanicJack: Commit to buying BTCZ for $3,000.

Total from investors: $9,000. Combined with donations, our current total will be $12,000, allowing us to proceed with the Changelly listing after the voting process concludes.

After the listing, we have a three-month window to raise the remaining $3,000. We encourage ongoing donations during this period.

To enhance security, we are considering adding users who commit to donating over the next three months to the VIP Discord group. This group will have a 100% fundraising guarantee. For example:

  • Simon commits $50 per month.
  • Rock pledges $50 per month.
  • ChadA1997 pledges $500 per month.
  • TheBarGuys commit to $30/month.
  • Vandar pledges $50 per month.
  • Iheartshrooms pledges $50 per month.
    (or any amount they can afford).

These amounts can be spread over 12 weeks for each user. USD refunds from VaultZ will be initiated when BitcoinZ reaches 20x.

Your contribution, whether big or small, makes a difference. Every penny counts. Please donate to help us reach our $15,000 goal and ensure the success of the BitcoinZ Changelly listing.

Note: BitcoinZ, being a decentralized community coin, requires a vote to allow the use of VaultZ for the listing, as previously mentioned.

As a decentralized community-driven cryptocurrency, BitcoinZ values transparency and collective decision-making. The use of VaultZ for the listing is a significant step, and the community’s input is crucial.

We believe in the principles of decentralization, where every member has a say in the direction of BitcoinZ. Therefore, the decision to utilize VaultZ for the Changelly listing will be determined through a community vote. The voting period is set to begin on Saturday, February 17, and will last for one week. The voting will take place on our community forum at This ensures that the broader BitcoinZ community is involved in the decision-making process, fostering a sense of inclusivity and shared responsibility.

Details regarding the voting process, including mechanisms and eligibility, will be communicated to the community through the forum and other official channels. Your participation in the vote is highly encouraged, as it directly shapes the future of BitcoinZ and its initiatives.

We appreciate your commitment to the decentralized ethos of BitcoinZ and look forward to your active involvement in this important decision-making process.

Thank you for being an integral part of the BitcoinZ community! :star2:

Community Power Unleashed: Cast Your Vote for BitcoinZ Listing!
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Excellent proposal and very clearly understandable. This proposal is correct and goes in the direction/philosophy of the community, thanks very much to be active and continue like this !
But I am against it for several reasons, … and in any case whatever the result, I will do what is necessary to satisfy the majority of the community decisions.

The first reason why I am against it is that the VaultZ was certainly created to cover development and listing funds on exchanges, but not to be sold directly to community member investors to cover the linsting costs in large quantities as requested in this proposal.
THE RISK IS REALLY TOO HIGH, and especially for a handful of investors who in this case will pay the majority of the listing costs.

This risk should be covered by exchanges, which will be the big winners when BtcZ takes off! But otherwise, if we proceed like this, and we don’t fly to the moon, the exchange in any case loses nothing (it will have collected 15K USD), and some VIP members of the community will be frustrated (and will probably speak ill afterwards, it has already happened).
… When exchanges will takes the risk, and if Changelly would accepted a payment of 100M BtcZ (or even 150M), it would be a big YES.

My second reason is mainly due to what I have already written above, and ESPECIALLY I DO NOT TRUST any centralized exchange!

What tells us that they won’t delist us in 6 months? For legal raisons, or any other.

… In addition, people who know about me, are aware that I am against trading in the hope of making fortune, there are other ways to attract more members/users.

The third reason, once again I will repeat myself, but we are a community and this listing should not be financed by a handful of VIP members, but by the entire community. And so the second part of the proposal is already more correct in community terms, but it must be extended to around a hundred people who would make a donation over 3-6 months.

This mainly because the listing should benefit many people and not just a handful of VIPs.

The BitcoinZ blockchain is not a VIP club, but a decentralized community where everyone has the same weight.


It does and should take a community to fund the listings we need to make BTCZ more accessable to new people however we have struggled for a long time to acquire what’s needed. As far as the VIP statement goes, I don’t see why larger holders are an issue since we already have a significantly large amount of BTCZ before this. We accept the risks and do so to better the community and project. Time has not been out friend and we have to do something now to make BTCZ accessable to non-crypro people before the Bitcoin FOMO sets in. If we have an easy fiat on ramp, even for only the next 6 months (which I suspect it will be much longer than that) then it will give us better exposure and accessibility to the millions of people looking for the next cryptocurrency they should buy since they “missed” Bitcoin.

Additionally, after this Changelly approval, we still need to work towards having a 10-20 second block time (10x over current time) and a mobile app that allows access to the z addresses. It will be good to integrate Changelly into the app as well to allow for Apple/Google Payments. The Core wallet needs an overhaul as well but the block time and mobile app should take priority.

If we don’t approve the Changelly offers now, the additional work should still be discussed and new funding methods should also be considered. A CEX is never a good idea to me but there is no way to have a Fiat on-ramp without one.

I would like to be added to the vip group at $50 a month as well. and would like to buy $500 of BTCZ from the vault. I have never seen this conversation anywhere on discord.


I agree with the fact that we need to be more visible, and Changelly is probably one of the solutions and will make it easier to access BtcZ with fiat…

I’m not against the listing it self (anyway if I do not voted for it).

But I am against selling half of the VaultZ whose value is currently completely undervalued (I am not the only one to think so), to a handful of people, without giving the other members the opportunity to also participate in this “sell off”.

If we really are selling half of the VaultZ, then it must be discussed and everyone must be able to participate.

Furthermore, a decision like this, 12k USD, around 100M of BtcZ, cannot be taken in 7 days and validated with around fifty votes!

Don’t forget that this amount in BtcZ (although it seems small in USD) took almost 4 years to accumulate, and until now we have never released such an amount in one go, for a single project.

So please think twice about before voting.

$9K would be taken the first time. Once the price changes 20x, the $3k will be taken and used to beautify those who helped raise the 3k.

I am for this proposal, and I would like to take the time and explain why.

VaultZ is described as “5% of the BTCZ block rewards in order to sustain the expansion of the BicoinZ Ecosystem” (Source: getbtcz website). I believe that this plan encompasses that notion and is precisely what VaultZ was incorporated to do. Changelly brings the eco system to multiple dozens of platforms, not just exchanges, not just fiat trading, but so much more.

I would like to point out that the original Proposal was created on December 13th (Source: Discord post by ChadA1997). This was over 2 months ago. According to this page, about $3,000 has been raised so far. If we continued at that rate, it would be October before it’s fully funded. My biggest fear is that this opportunity will no longer be valid if we wait too long, or that eventually people will tap out, either from donating all they can, or by giving up.

Furthermore, I’d like to state that, in my opinion, raising funds through means of VaultZ is better distributed through the community than giving millions of BTCZ to an exchange for a listing, as I have heard discussed. It not only shows our community has faith in BTCZ, but allows to keep our community goal of decentralization alive. I would 100% rather see members that support our goals and dreams benefit, rather than a corporation. If we value BTCZ, we should be glad to give fiat to Changelly (or any platform, exchange, or listing) and keep our low-cost (for now) crypto here with us.

I want to share my personal commitment to this project, getting listed on Changelly. I, more than anything, understand wanting the community to come together to support this cause. Yes, if everyone gave $5, we wouldn’t need to be in this situation, but I am also a realist. Greed, doubt, inactivity, and the list goes on to why the funds aren’t coming in. There are ideas floating around to get discord and community back up and active, but that’s not what we are here to talk about. I have personally donated around $300 USD so far. I have made matches to donations made. But the truth of the matter is I am not wealthy, or I would give more. The $1000 stated in the proposal is not money I have laying around. It will be taken from my other investments (crypto and stocks planned for retirement), and traded for VaultZ funds as another form of investment (Yes, I will hold to the moon, ask anyone).

Lastly, I want to say, I think this project is bigger than most people realize. I have heard it compared to Pancake Swap or Whitebit. This is nowhere near as small of an impact. I want to share a story. Both my boss and my coworkers have asked me about my BTCZ sticker decal on my toolbox. I have explained exactly what BitcoinZ is and why it is the best crypto. They said, “Wow, that’s awesome. Where can I buy some?” That’s when my heart sinks and I explain how they have to go through an exchange. I wish I was able to say, “You can buy it from any of these sites using a credit card”.

Sorry this was long, but I am passionate about this. Thanks for reading.


In any case, the fact remains that honesty is something that is really rare nowadays, and it’s true. For example, in the field of cryptocurrency I am very close to the position of the founder of Metaverse Meta Force, as it seems to me, there are really not many honest people nowadays, and I started to study his Meta Verse not so long ago and it became clear that this is really our future. there you can create NFTs, sell, a very good cryptocurrency academy for those who want to learn and get more deeply into the blockchain, DeFi as it seems to me, this is what we are after in a few years