BitcoinZ GUI Miner - Mid-year makeover

Hello Community!

The developer for our BitcoinZ GUI miner has reached out asking if there are any reasonable requests/changes they would like to see for our GUI miner. Please express any ideas in this thread and we’ll deliver the message!


CPU please
Cpu cpu cpu have to reach 20 letters



Nice! Just what I wanted!
-Intensity set bar is buggy (amd - claymore), it doesnt save the modified settings.
-reconnect on hangup time (claymore) to be added
-please if you can make implement a decentralization plugin and be set as default on (which auto connects to the lowest popularity pool)
-nice and clean design

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Adding a value feature like the Zen Swing wallet would be nice so you don’t have to pull up coinmarketcap to figure out how much your coins are worth in USD.

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Enver CPU mining is not profitable anymore for this coin…this is a GUI interface for PC’s so its not like people will use this to mass deploy - they can already use nheqminer in CPU mode to do that.

I posted the miner on brazil whatsapp once… some of them where not happy without cpu function… think its marketing … as for gpus not all are supported … i cant mine with that gpu that is on my laptop

GPU support is part of the embedded miners - not the GUI portion. There is a reason they don’t support M versions.

A hash distribution feature. Miner spreads hash across all btcz pools.

All user has to do is start miner and miner auto selects pool with less network hash rate.

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Thats it! Same as my suggestion! Could be switch able, default on as for full Decentralization, no force.

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@cryptorex how about to make it more Decentralized design?
I mean custom / skinable like winamp.
Common standard would be a BtcZ logo as Start button.
It would be attractive.
Many of us would like to make his / her own skin and share (/ sell?)
I would even add a visualiser plugin for hashrates :smiley: