Domain proposal - .ETH (rejected)

This part is going to be very vague as to exact ideas, but we need to own more domains and make something big happen in the DeFi scene. I don’t want someone else to buy OUR name and resell it for a profit in case there are outsiders and spys in this forum :male_detective:

If we get an .ETH domain we need to have the keys saved and shared among the elected community leaders. In this way, we’ll be ready for the Decentralized finance which lay ahead of us. These private keys are not to be shared with anyone outside of the elected officials for any reason -WHAT SO EVER!
In doing this, we can maintain a tight ship when it comes to our security.

Objectives to be achieved
The objective I would like to achieve here is to own our name across all platforms. Later once I find developers, we will have the “wBTCZ” wrapped BTCZ DeFi token development proposal. Until then, reserving the domain name is pertinent to our expansion.

Preferred approach
One step at a time. One domain is cheap while the other costs $168 per year. My proposal involves asking the community to vote on whether or not to take this approach, and how many years to reserve at first. When we learn more and have the developers ready to work on the smart contracts, we will have more voting of course.

Benefits statement
This will benefit BitcoinZ as a whole.

Performance and progress measures
I will keep the forum posted with information regarding development and we will discuss progress in future community conferences. Big news will be broadcasted through all social channels.

Risks and ways to address them
The risks involved this DeFi development not going anywhere and we’re stuck with the domain.eth and will have spent VaultZ funds, which isn’t too much considering the possibilities. If I’m wrong about this, come to me with suggestions and we’ll come up with a better way to address all risks. After all, this is a community project and it takes the community as a whole, being involved, to make this thing work.

A basic plan of work (timeline and key milestones)
To be discussed...

Cost estimates and funding sources
One domain costs 0.01 ETH per year and the other costs 0.34 ETH per year. Funds will come from VaultZ funds. The proof will be on the blockchains.

Opposing arguments and responses
Every project that will be covered by the Community Fund should be scrutinized, and rightfully so. In addition to all the questions you’ll hear, you are likely to face some opposition to your project when you present your business case. Your earlier analysis that identified points of contention and alternative ways of looking at the issues will help you prepare to defend your decisions. Expect those issues and alternatives to be raised by one audience or another. Anticipate their reactions and be prepared to respond to them in as informed a way as possible. Have solid data to back up your position and show how the advice of recognized experts or the experience of other jurisdictions supports your project. You should also listen carefully to concerns and be willing to hear and consider new ideas that might improve your plan. **



I love BitcoinZ and all of our wonderful and talented community. Lets rock some boats!

Should we reserve our .ETH domains?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

If so, for how many years to start out?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6+

0 voters

If you don’t think reserving a .ETH domain is a good investment, than explain your concerns in the comments below!

In Decentralization We Trust


This is the way to follow. For me, you have to create a token that wraps btcz (wbtcz) as much as possible with 1: 1 parity balanced through algorithm (it would be a Btcz stablecoin)

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For you, I don’t have much of a clue as to how to make a wrapped anything. But maybe you actually have some input on making this a reality? I found some good info in the inbox this morning, which I requested yesterday. This may or may not be of any help.

Copy of the email:


Here is the developer resources for



Please pass them to your dev for review.


I’ve learned a couple more small things, but what can we do with these 2 projects, Serum and Solana? I won’t even try to dig into this prior to anyone with understanding reviewing how, when, when and what before I try to comprehend.

Enjoy :slight_smile:

Proposal is out of time (two weeks) duration and not enough member voted.
Closed votes.
However I can see benefits of it but not with .eth

I was wanting to create like a unstoppable domain. At the time I didn’t know much about IPFS or web development. It could be .bridge, .network, or anything catchy.

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Yep and at the same time we could rent all free domains like .ws

There is a project to buy domino in a decentralized way Handshake, I’m not very internalized, but it could be an option.

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This rejection could have been $7,500 worth of ENS airdrop which could have been sold for community development btw… One day mods will start listening to me.