Ledger X support

Will their ever be Ledger X support ?

If yes roughly when ?



Ledger is close to finish, under testing right now :wink:


are you the developer ? or is it just a rumor ?
I really dislike the android wallet and even consider to stop mining until it’s ledger supported

You can use other wallets. I personally use Vidulum wallet, since when you load more than 100btcz it automatically stacks them and you get VDL daily…

About questions if I’m a dev and if ledger is only rumors…
No no rummors… and no I’m not a dev… i just paid developer to create electrum server and ledger app… which is now finished… now we are making tests… and than we push stuff to ledger. So yes expect news about ledger soon :slight_smile::rofl:


Ledger X Support would be very nice! =)


Ledger Live Support would be amazing but I guess thats not going to happen :rofl:

We are testing it and after that Trezor will be next… we will probably soon have both of those hardware wallets covered :wink:


Why do you think this? :rofl:

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I’m sure you guys will manage to get it done! Btcz has big potential & the community is growing. If there’s anything I can do to help let me know

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Cause I think that ledger live dies not allow third-party development but I could be wrong

We need someone to help us test Ledger app, so anyone who has ledger and some Linux knowledge please step forward. After testing we proceed with ledger integration

What to you need exactly

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Someone with ledger device to test ledger app if everything works like it should.
So some knowledge of linux to load app on ledger. So that we can send and receive some coins, than we are good to go… would be good to be on discord to chat directly to the team… :slight_smile:


Has anything come from this yet ?

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i got reply from dev. that he is working on fix on this weekend so we should see stuff soon.
This is from my device, it is running, but problem is electrum or ledger version wich is newer, and needs some modifications. So fix should be applied soon and than we are good to go :wink:


So as you may all know, we have working ledger app which was shown on image (up), and also now server is fixed and everything runs. I also sent all neccessary to Ledger team ,and now we need to wait. I tried to email them send them messages tickets all about ETA of when they will implement BTCZ. no answer, only answer i got was on twitter that they have no idea when the will have time to upload it…
so we have option to rain questions on twitter asking them when they will upload it… so go on Twitter and tag: @Ledger and @Ledger_Support
also do not forget to tag @BTCZOfficial and @BitcoinZTeam

so maybe if rain their twitter with requests they will do it sooner. Help community :wink:

here is my tweet: