Just to avoid any problems with future or ongoing BtcZ matters.
I start to think more and more that we should find or hire some legal representative (for a period of time or based on a given particular demand maybe?) that would protect the BtcZ community from any fraudulent event. This would involve preparing (previously discussed by BtcZ community) and signing on the behalf of BtcZ official documents representing our BtcZ niche BEFORE we engage on anything serious (an exchange, or a serious collab). When things would go wrong additionally it would involve representing us in a court appropriate to a given case/country/context.
I guess it would also involve someone from BtcZ or a joint discussion to characterise in detail each legal need and expectation before we contact a respective attorney. Potentially case to case basis implementation.
(Removed the poll, initial discussion is better for now, I will raise that matter during BtcZ meetups, etc.)
Any suggestions are welcomed here.