Let’s keep a list of pools that are Zhash friendly. Please post below any pools that you know are working with Zhash.
Please compare these pools with the pools that love the BitcoinZ Community and choose them over the pools that don’t, thanks!
- https://equipool.1ds.us
- http://btcz.pcmining.xyz:8080/
- http://mineflowpool.pl/
- https://btcz.coinblockers.com/
- http://btcz.altpool.pro/ (solo: http://solo-btcz.altpool.pro/)
- https://axepool.com
- https://solo-btcz.2miners.com
- https://pool.bitcoinzguiding.ovh
- https://btcz.nibirupool.com/
- http://btcz.pool.pink/
- http://geekhash.io/
- https:/zsolo.bid (solo)
- http://btz.pool.sexy/
- https://acpool.me
Disclaimer: These pools are listed for convenience and is not an endorsement by the BitcoinZ community. You are responsible for handling any issues or staying tuned with updates regarding pools, forks, or changes.