Request for the Dev team

I recently decided I’m going all in on this project since it’s the first one I really got into, and after so long I believe in this community dev team even more.

Might sound like an odd request, but I made a BitcoinZ t-shirt, and wanted to ask if it would be possible to send it to one of the Devs with a silver sharpie (black shirt) and have you guys send it to each other, autographing it as it makes it’s rounds.

I’d pay all the shipping charges for it’s travels and I plan on getting a frame for it to put on my wall.

If you don’t feel comfortable, don’t sweat it, I still love you all!


Welcome Bro!
Feel yourself at home! :wink:
Its a super idea! I also wanted the same, but with all of us childhood photo. I hope you can get it start!

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I’ll get them to come around eventually :sunglasses: really want something like this on my wall for nostalgia