I’m getting a lot of warning messages coming up in my Wallet in the last week or so.
Has anyone else been getting errors? Or is it just me?
I’m getting a lot of warning messages coming up in my Wallet in the last week or so.
Has anyone else been getting errors? Or is it just me?
I’m error free, what kind of errors?
Expected ‘,’ or ‘}’ at 5780:29
at com.vaklinov.zcashui.ZCashClientCaller.executeCommandAndGetJsonValue(ZCashClientCaller.java:1064)
at com.vaklinov.zcashui.ZCashClientCaller.executeCommandAndGetJsonArray(ZCashClientCaller.java:1034)
at com.vaklinov.zcashui.ZCashClientCaller.getWalletPublicTransactions(ZCashClientCaller.java:236)
at com.vaklinov.zcashui.DashboardPanel.getTransactionsDataFromWallet(DashboardPanel.java:609)
at com.vaklinov.zcashui.DashboardPanel.access$600(DashboardPanel.java:68)
at com.vaklinov.zcashui.DashboardPanel$5.gatherData(DashboardPanel.java:256)
at com.vaklinov.zcashui.DashboardPanel$5.gatherData(DashboardPanel.java:251)
at com.vaklinov.zcashui.DataGatheringThread.doOneGathering(DataGatheringThread.java:193)
at com.vaklinov.zcashui.DataGatheringThread.run(DataGatheringThread.java:174)
Caused by: com.eclipsesource.json.ParseException: Expected ‘,’ or ‘}’ at 5780:29
at com.eclipsesource.json.JsonParser.error(JsonParser.java:490)
at com.eclipsesource.json.JsonParser.expected(JsonParser.java:486)
at com.eclipsesource.json.JsonParser.readObject(JsonParser.java:251)
at com.eclipsesource.json.JsonParser.readValue(JsonParser.java:177)
at com.eclipsesource.json.JsonParser.readArray(JsonParser.java:212)
at com.eclipsesource.json.JsonParser.readValue(JsonParser.java:174)
at com.eclipsesource.json.JsonParser.parse(JsonParser.java:152)
at com.eclipsesource.json.JsonParser.parse(JsonParser.java:91)
at com.eclipsesource.json.Json.parse(Json.java:295)
at com.vaklinov.zcashui.ZCashClientCaller.executeCommandAndGetJsonValue(ZCashClientCaller.java:1061)
… 8 more
The usual reads something like, "Only one usage of each socket address is normally permitted. Expected value at 1:2.
this has been happening to me as well, says something about walletconflicts??? wtf?? and showing details for transactions i am not attempting to send?? not exciting as i have a lot of money/time invested.
also says something about socket pair, and it is not selectable txt… come on btcz let’s get a unique and improved wallet, this coin has massive potential.
i think it may have something to do with the t addresses that are created by the wallet to move left-over coins to when a z address is created. the wallet says normally you only use those addresses once? might be the issue?
errors are still coming in quite frequently last time I checked.
I’ve actually turned off my wallet because so many errors were coming up.
I am basically unable to use the new 1.4 wallet, during sending I constantly receive the error
“An error occurred when sending cash, Please ensure that the sending parameters are correct, please try again later”
Simply trying to send 20K with 100 transaction fee…
I’m conflicted, I want to use the windows wallet as it supports Z address, but I really just want to toss it and move to the Copay wallet. but I cant even get my funds out. Very frustrating. I shelved playing with BTCZ for entire last year and picked up this in hopes of some better wallet functionality…
Hi @JayB,
I also had same issues, on Windows 10… Could you give some basic information about your “PC” environment like Memory qty (RAM), OS, … and your technical IT skills (based on what is to do).
So, I solved a lot of issue by installing a Linux OS, xUbuntu 16.04, and the Bitcoinz Insight Patched CLI Wallet: https://github.com/btcz/bitcoinz-insight-patched
Copy your wallet.dat file in the apropriate folder… From this point, start the full node and once synced you should be able to send 50k+ in one transfer with the bitcoinz-cli command. If your more confortable with an UI, you can also install the ZENcash Desktop GUI Wallet : https://github.com/btcz/bitcoinz-wallet
For sure it need some time (and advanced user knowlage) to set all the staf up, but since I work with linux, I have a really better user experience with the wallet.
So if you have the possibility (and are ready) to install a Ubuntu OS (even in a VM), I could help you !
Be Welcome in the community
Thanks for your response.
The wallet is running on Win10 with 8GB ram, actually my miner with 7 GTX1070’s. That being said I really don’t want to switch the OS at this time.
My IT knowledge is basic, but im very capable to follow directions/instructions to set up most anything. At this point I would just like to migrate to another wallet which will accept the WinWallet PK’s if possible. Can I migrate into the ZENcash GUI wallet by importing PK’s ?
I assume that you already tryed to use the wallet without running the miner app… And 8Gb should be enough, even for Z transaction.
Basically, ZENcash is the UI (user interface) only of the wallet that you probably already use. But if you installed the Windows executable file, it include a full node and it is not using the “patched insight” full node version.
The “Bitcoinz-patched-insight” full node seems more stable as the standard… I’m not sure realy what is the difference between them…
If you install the Bitcoinz-patched-insight version, you don’t need (you also can do it if you want) to import the private keys, you can directly copy the “wallet.dat” file and once the node is synced, use your wallet as now (but in command line).
The problem is that I have no idea how to install the patched insight on Microsoft Windows…
So my suggestion is:
Let me know where you’re stuck. After doing the 3 above steps, you can install the ZENcash UI.
Another advice:
For security raisons, I would not use a wallet on the same machine that is mining. And as far as possible, the main wallet (which contains all the funds) should not be on a computer that is all time up.