We praise and mouth the word ‘decentralization’ like it is an honorable and innovative approach to create freedom and voice for people, irrespective of any geographical or cultural boundaries. The greatest danger or threat to this methodology seems to be the human element, which is in my opinion, also the greatest to benefit from a successful execution of decentralization. In fact, the very solution that Blockchain has solved is the human inadequacy of trust involving value.
It has been injected globally to our existence and it works by software supplementing failure of trust and loyalty in humans, and also in my opinion, unseating power structures with regard to organizational hierarchies that have common goals. I don’t mean corporations, I mean the structure of a corporation itself.
To myself decentralization means survivorship of a movement that solves, embarrassingly, our failure as humans to be trustworthy and unconditional, so that no one person has the power to control people, especially not control their freedom, financial or otherwise.
What do you think decentralization should look like for a project like BitcoinZ? What does decentralization mean to you?
Please reply with your thoughts answering the above question.