I think of it this way:
There are two different groups that we wish to be able to motivate via the Community Fund to do good things for the coin -
A) crypto-saavy believers
B) those who need to be paid in fiat (like because rent and food!) in exchange for their goods/services/time, etc.
Group A knows about the costs and time required for mining, how long it takes to accumulate coin by mining, and how rare is the opportunity to accumulate significant (e.g. 1m or more) coin other than by buying it with fiat on exchanges (via the complicated process and risk that entails).
Anyone in Group A should be highly motivatable by the Community Fund’s ability to reward them for days or weeks of work with an amount of coin that would otherwise take a large investment (of fiat) and a long time (many months, or even > 1 year) to accumulate by any other method.
Group B is any person or company (service provider) that for any reason needs fiat today in exchange for what they do. (Google Ads, for example, does not accept payment in BTCZ!)
IMO, we should be sure to set the tax percentage correctly so that the Community Fund is well-endowed to pay members of both Groups A and B as necessary and desirable to get things done.
For that reason, we must consider the current value in Fiat of our daily/monthly accumulations when deciding upon an appropriate Community Fund fee percentage.
I’ve highlighted above $640/$19200 daily/monthly as a proposed minimum. I personally support an even higher option, but here is my point:
The real risk here is to do too little, not to do too much.
To those who are inclined to “go small”, I ask you please to think about whether the low option would really provide enough purchasing power to make the difference(s) we want to make with the Community Fund.
Consider costs of:
Things not even yet forseen
and ask the questions “Are we up to the job today?” “Will we be up to the job tomorrow?”
and then come to your best-assessed conclusions.