ok i will change to 8 pm
we have to choose it together. this meeting serves to hear everyone, their impression. how many are worried and what. and definitely listen to everyone if they have ideas that can help us. but we can start writing everything here
Totally agree about the meeting need.
But we have to schedule it maybe a little later… the 7. Is in 4 days so why not choice saturday 11. (Or also friday) so that more poeple have time to organize it. …do not forget that some persons have a eavy work load now with this crisis
Saturday would be my preference too.
Poll to be filled with days prefered.
@Marcelus @GreyFox @Rokmikuz @cryptorex @robkot @VandarGR Fill and spread. Also, what platform are we talking on? Zoom? YT?
I would like to avoid Friday and Sunday due to Easter, but majority prefer that then meet without me. @Cryptorex, what is your hour preference? I forgot which time zone in US you are at.
I will definitely join the meeting.
We should organize this meeting and come prepared to discuss important matters and advertise this in the general channel marking ‘everyone’ about the meeting at least 7 days ahead to give others time to come too.
Since it looks to be a crisis meeting I would like to suggest some burning matters that IMO should be discussed:
- BtcZ algo - still ASIC resistant or needing a change?
- Long term bc dev appointment (rewarded with a worthy BtcZ sum) and responsibilities needed to be covered - @cryptorex would be a good source as @Marcelus suggested also because of his experience with @renuzit
- More aggressive BtcZ ad campaign and potentially also committing some serious btcz to that
- ‘Z team’ existence - it is deceiving and no longer looks serious; how about liquidating that since most of its members no longer do anything (even do not speak up their mind) or switched to other projects
- btcz.rocks website - status - people behind it and the future of this site
Please think of more ideas and suggest them here. This should not be just a 1 hour meeting.
You are a good man and an important member of this community. I’m sorry we can’t understand each other… “if the date or time is not convenient we move it.”
The meeting is moved to Saturday 11. Please let everyone communicate a timetable. The time is chosen at 7.30 p.m. (for now but can change too)
From my side I offer to add discussion of feasibility of TransferZ https://forum.btcz.rocks/t/money-transfer-system-transferz/1507/2
I’m pushing this idea because I believe that if properly realized and advertised, this can be not only a life saver, but a sky rocket for BitcoinZ.
IMO 1 hour will be definitely not enough to discuss everything. From another side we can always organize dedicated next online meeting later.
How are we meeting? Zoom? Skype? YT?
I prefer using Skype. But I can accept any possibility.
Or we can just open a voice channel on discord
Zoom is nice. If some one will share content, he can do it easely. I can schedule a Zoom meeting from one of my customer accunt to not be limited.
But what will be the time ?
How about 8 pm London time [GMT+1]? It’s not too early in US. I’m hoping @cryptorex will make it
I heard zoom is having privacy issues and meeting are getting swarmed. I like the idea of a discord text meeting with notes that can be saved and reviewed, or voice and could be recorded for people to playback later.
Discord has sound channel too that we could set up easily.
And we could quickly wrap up the meeting on a text too or work jointly on its final form in one of meeting threads.
Zoom did get swarmed but now the host has a control over who can screen share after recent update. They had problems of randoms sharing xxx stuff during remote school lessons.
From my side I will support any time and any program to use you choose. There is no big difference for me.
So, do we have a final decision when and where we have a meeting?
Yeah…the decentralized decision making, got to love this
Let’s do it through zoom and email Marcelus our emails so he can invite us? Does that sound OK?
Saturday 11 , 7.30 p.m. (CEST) France/Italy/Germany time .
please write here what we need to do to participate. do you share a zoom link?
can you share it here? we use discord?