Problem statement
While it’s fun to speculate on what the price of BTCZ could be, specifically spreading price predictions regarding BTCZ should not be tolerated by the community except in areas where it has been designated okay to have price discussions. The reason for this proposal is that many exchanges have a zero tolerance policy related to price speculation and having community member constantly talking and pushing future price could be preventing major exchanges from opening communications with BTCZ.
Mission Statement or Vision
The purpose of this proposal is to establish a community wide agreement between all members, in the prospectus of listing with a large and established exchange; all predictions related to future BTCZ pricing are unwelcome in the community, community forum and all community environments expect in areas that have been designated specifically for the purposes of price discussion. Any member who persists will receive a warning". if said member persists with abuse, he or she should be banned from any community resources such as chat, forums, and social media.
Objectives to be achieved
The objective would be to stop price speculation to spread on chat rooms, forums, and social media. There needs to be a way to create a welcoming place for individuals to discuss BTCZ and the project. As a community is it our duty to avoid things that exchanges and people see as Red Flags.
Preferred approach
Community members found continuously posting price speculations of BTCZ to community resources where not designated will be given a warning and a link to this proposal so that they know that community does not appreciate these types of actions. If their actions continue, then the admins should ban the community member from all community chat rooms, forums, and social media.
Benefits statement
Long term, we hope that this will attract more members to the community the their experience will be positive. This would also allow btcz to grow increase trust. And help towards our ultimate goal which is stated on the whitepaper “BitcoinZ for all mankind”.
Risks and ways to address them
There is no denying that this is a form of censorship, however, anyone who is claiming that we are censoring should be shown this proposal and explained the specific reasons why we censor. If it is found that we are abusing this privilege beyond the spirit of this agreement, then it is the community’s duty to propose a better system.
Cost estimates and funding sources
No financial cost to the community but the time of the community admins.
Specific Examples
- Suggestions that price of BTCZ will equal $1 in the future
- Suggestions that BTCZ price will equal $50
- Suggestions that BTCZ price will equal the price of Bitcoin
- Suggestions that BTCZ price will fall tremendously in value
- Yes
- No
0 voters