Community hosted payment gateway

Can I say how much I love you Marcelus ?!?

You really rock man !!


yeah we need a source code or an replication of payment gateway…


:hourglass: Already 2 weeks, but here is a beta version of the BTCZ open-source payment gateway! :sunglasses:
I let you test it, with small amounts. Please note the invoice number in case of trouble.

  • There is no minimum limitation of the amount.
  • Use of BTCZ, USD, EUR and CHF currencies for the moment.
  • Currency are refreshed only once an hour (temporarily, then I plan every 12 minutes later).
  • The eCommerce plugins will comming soon…

Note: Use this topic if you have any issues or the github repository.


Nice alternative if we don’t hear from…


Wow! Amazing job Marcelus! Seems to be a better alternative, which we can improve and use for the others!

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Yes, it’s a base of work for every developer (or coder) that would like us the BTCz as payment method. There is still a lot to do…

I also integrate a currency converter API get method:
that return a json like:
I’m checking to get up to 10 currency’s refreshed every 12 minutes (now it’s only 4 refreshed once per hour).

It’s will maybe help for the Fiat Converter project:


I hope @Akta86 returns back soon and continue.

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So far I’ve created a payment gateway using the Gateway form on the main site. I think it works so far with only one thing:

The pingback didn’t seem to send any information - I had netcat listening on my pingback address and all I got was:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Connection: close

I haven’t tested the GET API yet, but the only thing that seems to be missing is a ‘success_url’ to send the payer back to the merchant site.


I just updated the code, pingback URL’s should now work. I manage the return URL as follow:

  • :srvPingback - Only executed on server side (never return back this value) once success.
  • :cliPingbackSuccess - Returned URL once success.
  • :cliPingbackError - Returned URL if fail (expired or error).

awesome I will test!


is there static ip of the server? so we can use it as extra protection for pingback check…
i will test it soon with my magento 2 btcz extension…


Yes there is a static IP (I send it to you in private).
@kovach, could you help with other plugins ?

@Marcelus yes I could, I just have to manage my very limited free time…
After magento we can check other plugins…

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Nice to see you back here! :slight_smile:thank you very much for Magento Bro!
All of our devs hard work should be gifted!

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Version 0.1.2 (beta) online


  • Almost instant payment checkout integration (5-8 sec)
    I use a temporary address, already having funds, to transfer the payment of the buyer to the seller’s wallet without waiting for confirmation of the blockchain. Limited to 100 BTCz.
  • Added payment amount in the QR code
  • Added unconfirmed amount in the invoice template
  • Added RUB and GBP currencies support
  • The currencies are now updated 2 time per hour (instead of 1 per hour)
    Since updated the free account to 333 calls per day, I’m also able to provide (in the actual demo) 2 more currencies and more rate refresh.
  • Show gateway usage statistics (total gateway, expired, paid)

Information about the instant checkout

The instant payment checkout is NOT without risks! In the case of a chain fork or any other transaction “rollback”, the buyer will lost the founds. We have also to think about this and other possible issues.

For the demo, I added a “Speed Pay Fee” of 5%. Again, this is only for test proposes and everyone can fork this project and change it to free (or more). I added this fee more to test possibilities to get a return of investment for a service. I will not get rich with this and I do not want to scam people.

I’m open for any discussion about how to improve this functionality :ok_hand:

Here a small demo on Youtube:
(I am not talented in video production, I do only a screen recording)

Need todo

  • [ ] Better explanation of the API usage
  • [ ] Youtube presentation (more professional than actual)
  • [ ] Test check list with 20-50 users and analyze the output logs
  • [ ] FAQ page
  • [ ] Buyer, Seller, Admin stats/login (with 2 factor Auth. by eMail, like
  • [ ] Other…

Stats at 13-OCT-2018 11:45


@Marcelus awesome work!

I got around to testing it again - it looks like ‘pingback’ url is actually ‘successURL’ which means that is the URL that its going to after the payment completes.

SuccessURL vs. Pingback

SuccessURL = redirect after payment completes

PingbackURL = IPN (instant payment notification) URL is the URL that the seller points to so they can update the details about their buyers balance/purchase. It should POST details like that ‘status’ etc.

I’ve not tested the GET API yet, but I’m about to test it now to see what the :cliPingbackSuccess and :cliPingbackError payload looks like.

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Tx for feedback.
I will update the API documentation (with some example) in a couple of days.

To clarify a little the actual usage of the API, bellow some explication how I proceed it with the WP-Woocommerce Plugin.

To create a gateway

I make a request_payment/ GET call on the API as following:
(:parameters are the gateway info to use for personnalisation)

:srvPingback = The URL that the gateway GET once it’s paid with success (state 5).
In WP-Woocommerce, I manage it like $srvPingbackUrl = $order->get_checkout_order_received_url(); URL that contain the secret phrase like So that the order can be updated.

:cliPingbackSuccess and :cliPingbackError = URL for the client redirection on success (state 5) and on error/expired (state 2)

The ending 0 param is for spped checkout or standard (1=speed)

(The URL have to be encoded 2 time to awoid routing issue, I work on this)

It return a JSON string like that with the basic info about the gateway:


The important param is the “id”. You will need it for retrieving the gateway status. On this stage, all information like the asked amount, currency, exchange rate, the 3 URL, seller address, … , are stored in the database. a new payment address (with QR) is generated that can be retrieved by query of the “qr_simple” param :

At this stage, a invoice is generated that can be show on this URL (with the id after invoice/):

Fetching Data from Existing Gateway

I make a check_payment/ GET call on the API as following:

:id = The gateway “id” generated abow.


It return a JSON string like that with the status info about the gateway:

   "error":"gateway expired",

(in this example with an error: gateway expired)

You can GET this API URL (with the id) as many time as needed. in this case, the :srvPingback URL (with secret key) will never fire up. The :srvPingback URL only fire up on success (state 5). On success, this JSON string contain the "successURL":"https://mysite_or_IP/result/ param instead of err_callback_url param.

Important: The :srvPingback (set in the gateway creation) is never returned in any JSON string. It fire up a GET to the set URL only once the invoice is paid. I only tested it in WordPress with this plugin :

So, I hope it’s more clear :sweat_smile:

To answer you, @cryptorex, I don’t think it’s needed to “Pingback” any other information. Because we know all needed info by the check_payment/ call. And normally the online store, like in Woocommerce, all this info are already linked with the sercret key (Woocommerce_CheckOut_URL / ?WP_key=xyz123). Once this URL is fetched, it should update all the staff ?

But I can append some info after the :srvPingback URL like: &id=xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx&paid_amound=1234 … Is it really needed ?

Actually, the gateway send nothing back by expired gateway (excepting for client redirection).

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Yeah I’m having trouble explaining what I mean.

Basically, payment gateways are supposed to fire off a ‘notification’ to the merchant when payment completes or expires - merchants don’t typically keep running API calls to check status of payments.

This is called IPN (Instant Payment Notification). So for example the merchant has an API endpoint that receives a payload from the gateway that tells them a few different things like: status, amount paid, custom field, secret.

This process is called pingback - cause it ‘pings back’ the merchant on completion or expiration. Does that make sense?

I believe you are confusing ‘Pingback’ with ‘ReturnURL’. They are different things. ReturnURL redirects the person after error/complete.

Pingback is the URL to the merchants API endpoint that waits for the status information to be ‘pinged back’ to it.


Thanks @cryptorex for the explications about IPN pingback (in discord, the other night).

I updated all the staff by adding the secret key generated by the gateway, and the return of it in the JSON by the request_payment/ call. I also append it to the IPN pingback URL as following (paid and expired):

I also updated the web site with the new informations, could you please have a look in the API description if it’s understandable:

I took this opportunity to make some parameters optional (like the secret, it can be specified, but if not, it will be generated by the gateway).

List of updates (v0.1.3)

  • Added secret phrase return in JSON by request_payment/ call.
  • Added invoice state and secret param in IPN pingback.
  • added IPN pingback by expired state=2.
  • Manage optional parameters by query string (?) instead of router path (/).
  • Solved double url encoding issue.
  • Rewrite of some code parts.
  • Updated Web UI API explication with examples.
  • Added website icon.

@Marcelus great work once again!

I’ve tested ipn pingback and it works perfectly as expected!

API instructions only few things I found that could be misleading but is very minor:

  1. The param in the API route example shows sellerAddress but it should be only ‘seller’.

  2. Do we still have to urlencode two times? I’m still doing it twice and I think its still required but you removed that NOTE that says we need to urlencode twice. If we don’t then I need to re-test.

  3. This is just cosmetic but I think there is a character error ‘currency’ doesn’t show in the example right here:

I’ve moved one of my clients sites to testing the gateway in a live environment - I think its ready to start live testing so I"m doing that now. It seems to be working great.